Set Your Preferred Date Format

If you are looking for instructions on changing the Date Format of your ALICE projects, then you are in the right place!

Click through the player for an interactive walk-through, or scroll down for a step-by-step guide:


1. Change Date Format:

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of any ALICE page and select Profile.
  2. Choose your preference from the ‘Date format’ dropdown.
  3. Click 'Save Changes' to apply the changes.

Date Formats Supported in ALICE

Each user can select their preferred date format for their projects in ALICE. The following formats are supported:

  • month/day/year (03/20/2023)
  • day-month-year (20-03-2023)

Your selected format will only apply to your view of ALICE projects and will not affect the settings of other users in your organization.


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