User Management

In this article, learn how user management and data access works in ALICE.

  1. User Management
    1. Invite New Users
    2. Edit or Deactivate Existing Users
    3. Guest Users
  2. Permissions Overview
    1. Organizational Permissions
    2. Project Permissions
    3. Folder Permissions

User Management

Invite New Users

To invite new users into your ALICE organization, you must have the admin organizational role. 

1. Navigate to the Admin Panel by clicking your name in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. Select Invite Users, and type the email of each new user you want to invite. You can invite multiple users at a time by hitting the enter key after each email address. 

3. Select the appropriate organizational role for the new users (see the Organizational Roles section below for more information).

4. Click Send Invitation. The user will receive an email with a link to set up their account. Users cannot be added to projects until they complete this step.

Edit or Deactivate an Existing User

Admins can edit an existing user through the Admin Panel. Click the name of the user you wish to edit and a panel will appear on the right side of your screen. You may edit the name, email address, or organization role of the user. 

Admins can deactivate a user through the Admin Panel. To deactivate a user, use the toggle in the “Active” column, or by clicking on the user and using the panel on the right side of your screen. Deactivated users are no longer able to log in to ALICE. 

Admins can remove a user through the Admin Panel by selecting their Organization Role and changing this to 'Remove'. When a user is removed by an Admin, all of their projects are assigned to the Admin who is removing the user. Once re-assigned these projects can then be shared with other team members. 

Admins can also remove Guests from their organization (See the Guest Users section below for more information) by clicking on the trash icon in the “Active” column. This will remove that Guest from your Organization and their access to all projects within your Organization.

Guest Users

A Guest User is a user that already has an ALICE login with another company, and is invited to join your company's ALICE account. The most common use of the Guest User designation is when your ALICE Customer Success representatives join your account to help you with setup, technical questions, training, or professional services work. 

A Guest User may also appear if, for example, you form a joint venture with another company and invite users who already have an active ALICE license. There is no difference in the new user invitation process - simply enter their email address and if our system already has a record in place under their name, they will be added to your account as a guest user.


Permissions Overview

You can control data access at multiple levels within ALICE:

  • Organization Permissions control which users can log into ALICE and what they can do once logged in.
  • Project Permissions control which projects the users can see and and modify.
  • Folder Permissions control which folders users can see and modify.

Organization Permissions

Organization roles govern users’ ability to access the Admin panel, create projects, and create folders.

  • Restricted: Recommended for external consultants or partners who are not employees of your company.
  • Viewer: Recommended for employees who will be using ALICE as part of a project team.
  • Editor: Recommended for employees who are superusers of ALICE.
  • Admin: Recommended for employees who are responsible for ALICE in your company.

Project Permissions

More information on how to share projects with users can be found here.

Folder Permissions

All permissions summarized into one table:


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