January 2025 Release Notes

Major Releases:

  • Schedule sync lets users import an updated schedule and automatically merge ALICE data that was set up from an earlier version of that schedule. Schedule sync eliminates re-work when using ALICE across the project lifecycle and allows users to optimize and create scenarios based on the most up-to-date information about the project.
  • Folders have been added to the dashboard. Organize your projects into folders to keep your dashboard tidy. 


  • Users can now duplicate plans. When you duplicate a plan, all the existing information is inherited into a new copy. 

Plan Page

  • New keyboard shortcuts to navigate the plan page with up/down/left/right arrows, enter and esc.
  • Constraints can now be defined not just by date but also by time. 
  • Calendars and Custom Properties (UDFs) can now be added or edited in bulk.
  • When drawing precedence links into the Gantt chart, ALICE will automatically assume relationship type based on arrow location (ex. connecting the starts of two tasks will automatically create a start to start relationship)

Explore Page

Analyze Page

  • Print to PDF has several improvements, including adding the company logo to the header, improving the timeline scale and adding milestone and WBS to the legend.
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