In this article, we will guide you through a standard workflow for launching your first project in ALICE Core. Keep in mind that ALICE is a dynamic tool—users can achieve their goals through various workflows. As you grow more acquainted with ALICE, consider tailoring this standard workflow to align with your unique requirements.
Three Main Pages in ALICE
There are three main pages when running your project in ALICE - Plan Page , Explore Page
and Analyze Page
. When running a project in ALICE, all three pages will be used.
Eight Key Steps in Standard Workflow
Step 1: Import Existing Schedule
Step 2: Run a Guaranteed Constraint Scenario (Logic and Resources Validation Checker)
Step 6: Add/Remove/Modify Variables (Parameterization) and Constraints
Step 7: Run More Scenarios (Conduct Risk Assessment and Optimize Schedule)
Repeat Steps 5, 6, and 7 to Hone in On Your Assessment and Optimizations
Step 8: Value Outputs and Implementation
Step 1: Import Existing Schedule
ALICE Core supports importing: P6 (.xer and .xml) and Microsoft Project (.mpp).
Step 2: Run a Guaranteed Constraint Scenario (Logic and Resources Validation Checker)
2.1 Run a new scenario with no changes applied. We call this the "Guaranteed Constraint Scenario". When running this scenario, no changes are made to any resources, milestones, logic, etc. The scenario here will test true duration with the logic sequence, resources, constraints, and parameters that are already built into the schedule. ALICE is “resolving” your schedule to determine true duration without violating any constraints, over allocating resources, etc.
Results: ALICE will show you whether or not your original assumptions from either P6 or Microsoft Project are mathematically feasible. If not, ALICE will display a solution that shows you what is truly achievable while optimizing for your constraints and milestones.
Step 3: Amend Schedule
3.1 Review and correct any infeasibilities from the Guaranteed Constraint Scenario run (from Step 2 above).
3.2 Review and correct any unrealistic resource availability assumptions.
3.3 If no resources are assigned, tag activities with labor resources (minimum "level 2" resource assignment). Add other resources to the schedule, if available (labor resources, material resources, and equipment resources).
3.4 Is there any other missing data? Is there data that exists outside of the current schedule that you would like to be added to your ALICE schedule?
Note: Schedules can be amended in the Plan page or through mass data editing via Excel export/import.
Step 4: Run Initial Scenarios
4.1 Run scenarios to give you insights into your schedule and see how it responds to some initial constraints. Some suggested initial scenarios to run to stress test the schedule:
- Unlimited resources available (how fast can this schedule be done with unlimited/maximum resources available?)
- Minimum resources available (how many days of delay risk are there if resource availability is a major constraint?)
- Altering resource calendars (e.g. testing a more aggressive winter calendar for the excavation crew)
- Sensitivity analysis for the most critical resources by iterating the number of resources available by +/- 5%, 10%, 15%, etc. and see how it impacts the overall schedule
- Sensitivity analysis for the most critical activities by iterating the impacts of different production rates by +/- 5%, 10%, 15%, etc. and see how it impacts the overall schedule. Read here about a similar use case on how to conduct a sensitivity analysis on task durations.
- Simulate the impact of delays to key access dates, procurement delays and design changes
4.2 Run scenarios that align with your specific objectives.
Step 5: Analyze Results
5.1 Review the results in the Explore page. Use the axes dropdown to review the solutions through different perspectives (such as costs, criticality %, etc.).
5.2 If any solutions/dots look interesting to you, use the Compare feature to review them at a high level (staying in the Explore page ) or at a detailed level with a Gantt overlay (jumping to the Analyze page
5.3 Each dot on the Explore page opens up to its own unique Analyze page. Each Analyze page has information on resource utilization, resource peaks, proposed sequencing, and its critical path and longest path. Review the information for any interesting insights that may surface. Test some of your new theories and ideas by running more scenarios in the next steps.
Step 6: Add/Remove/Modify Variables (Parameterization) and Constraints
6.1 Add/remove/modify variables by parameterizing task durations (example of variables include crew ranges, quantities, production rates, and different custom property factors).
6.2 Add/remove/modify constraints (including milestones).
6.3 Add/remove preferential logic to try different sequences. Tip: recommend creating a copy of a project when trying different sequences.
Step 7: Run More Scenarios (Conduct Risk Assessment and Optimize Schedule)
7.1 Re-run some of those initial scenarios from step 4 to see the impacts of the changes that you have made.
7.2 Run more scenarios that align with your specific objectives.
Repeat Steps 5, 6, and 7 to Hone in On Your Assessment and Optimizations
Do you notice any patterns emerging on the Explore page? Are the results converging to an Efficiency Frontier? (Example: adding increasingly more resources does not impact the overall duration of the schedule.)
Step 8: Value Outputs and Implementation
8.1 Use the ALICE outputs and analytics to communicate your recommendations and opportunities to the project stakeholders.
8.2 Summarize key insights.
8.3 Present to stakeholders.
8.4 Action the insights on your project.