November 2024 Release Notes


  • Optimization Objectives and presets have arrived. For each scenario, you can fine-tune the scheduling algorithm based on what matters most for your project - duration, resource efficiency, milestone completion or more. Learn more. 
  • On the left panel, the workdays and calendar days for each what-if scenario are now displayed, making it easier to understand the difference between scenarios.

Admin Panel

  • Admins can now view a searchable, sortable list of all projects within their company account, and can add themselves to any project.
  • Admins can now configure SSO from inside of the ALICE application. Learn more.


  • Projects can now be archived (and re-activated) to keep your dashboard tidy and relevant. Learn more.

Plan and Analyze

  • Customize display settings on the plan and analyze pages through the new settings toggle inside of the 'edit table view' modal. Learn more.
    • Choose to view task duration and float in workdays or hours (previously, hours was the only option)
    • Choose to view dates only or dates and times for all tasks. 
  • Create duration formulas and assign them in bulk based on the current duration value. For example, if you’d like to divide your current duration value by 2, you could type “current_amount / 2” in your duration formula. Learn more.


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